I noticed this rack on the bike of Kate Petak, PBOT's super Signals & Street Lighting CECOP intern. It was great to see how the building of a bicycle bucket stimulated her to get a rack so she could use it. There's something about the bike economy (bikenomics) that I could share, but hopefully what this ultimately does is make her commute a little more comfortable, especially on these hot days. I forget how many lessons you learn as a bike commuter regarding ways to make the ride better.
I was especially pleased to see that she had prominently added the tail light she won at the BCC Day 1 Celebration and the bike bucket will help add some reflectivity to her as the days get a bit shorter.
I'm glad Kate is getting into the spirit. As someone who has had his light swiped I hope she takes it with her after locking up. It's a shame to have to put your perfectly good bike on a bus because you're worried about not being seen.