Saturday, June 28, 2008

Blumenauer on his morning Commute on NPR

I have never been stuck in traffic.

How do we give people more choices? It may be something we learn more about on Monday, there is supposed to be something that he's announcing and it will be interesting to see what it is.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Carfree Conference

Volunteering in the morning
I had a nice meeting Jay Graves and other bike celebrities. I had to scrounge for lunch at the conference as a wheat free, dairy free allergy guy.
I worked for a bit, delegated tasks I can't get to, and then hope that people work on
my stuff. Overextend myself on a project (bike related), promise things I don't have. I am working on everything I want to, but it is too much good stuff.

Go to City Hall to volunteer where people are drinking beer (I am helping pour) and checking out the bicycle postcard art show. It was pretty surreal. Bike related Sidewalk art, Sprockettes, and tall bikes.... And then to top it off there were the depave frogs on stilts.

Took the bus to SE where the speakers were celebrating the conference. Got to see Patrick and Jamie there and feeling good about helping them explore their interests. Really happy about how that's working out, hoping they are enjoying it too. Still it never seems like enough and is going to be transparent to others at KAI, which I seek some sort of validation from. Wish I didn't, but that's me.

Now checking my Treo as I try to make the perfect connection from the 15
to the 70 to get home. Glad I live in a transit rich area.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cool Bakfietsen Review